Hoaloha Hits in 20 Straight Games: Semo Hoaloha extended his consecutive-game hitting streak to 20 games today in the Grim 3-1 triumph over the Myrtle Beach Seahawks. The 19-year-old Reapers first baseman collected 2 hits in 3 at-bats.%0A%0A%22Of course it%27s going to end%2C%22 he said. %22I%27m just enjoying it until then.%22%0ASemo Hoaloha hit a two-run double in the 1st%2C grounded out in the 3rd%2C singled in the 6th%2C walked in the 8th and was hit by a pitch in the 9th.%0A%0AHoaloha is hitting .379 so far this season with 47 RBIs and 27 runs scored. He has 81 hits including 6 home runs%2C 24 walks and .449 OBP. %0A
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