SL Selects Rookie Star of the Month: Phil MacNamara is still a bit shy%2C but then%2C who could blame the newest United States Silver League Rookie of the Month honoree%3F He hasn%27t been around the league long enough to fully know the ropes yet%2C despite the fact that he%27s putting up veteran-like numbers.%0A%0AIn September the Grafton hitter tagged opposing pitching for a .370 average with 27 hits%2C 1 home run and 6 RBIs.%0A%0AThis year MacNamara has collected a .320 batting average to date with 91 hits in 284 at-bats%2C 32 RBIs%2C 8 home runs and scored 26 times. He has played in 78 games. %0A
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