Niagara Falls No Match for Bly: Kennesaw Jets fans were pleased to see so many goose eggs up on the scoreboard as Dennis Bly blanked the Niagara Falls Expos%2C 10-0 at Jets Stadium today. Bly stopped them on 2 hits while walking 3 and striking out 9.%0A%0A%22Once he gets in a groove%2C he can be dynamite%2C%22 Jets skipper Ant%EF%BF%BDnio S%EF%BF%BDenz said. %22He was on top of his game in this one.%22%0A%0ATo date this year%2C Bly shows a 8-2 record%2C 14 starts%2C 96.2 innings%2C 88 strikeouts and a 2.33 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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