Durham Third Baseman Nets SAA Award: J%EF%BF%BDlio Gonz%EF%BF%BDles swung a blistering bat last week for Durham%2C rapping out 6 hits in 12 at-bats against Rapiers opponents to propel himself to the USSL Double A Player of the Week Award.%0A%0AWhenever the third baseman hit the ball%2C he hit it with authority. The 26-year-old racked up a .500 batting average with 1 home run%2C 9 RBIs and 2 runs scored.%0A%0AFor the season%2C Gonz%EF%BF%BDles is hitting at a .290 clip with 6 home runs%2C 24 RBIs and has scored 16 runs. He has 36 hits%2C 18 walks and a .389 on-base percentage. %0A
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