Philadelphia 1776 Snaps Witt%27s Streak at 21: For 21 straight games%2C Preston Witt tried to ignore his hitting streak. It wasn%27t easy.%0A%0AWell%2C the 25-year-old Vancouver Grey Wolves first baseman can forget about it now -- it%27s over%2C courtesy of the Philadelphia 1776 BC. The BC held him hitless in 4 at-bats at Wolf Den in Vancouver today and snapped his consecutive-game hitting string at 21.%0A%0AThere was at leas one good note to the end of the streak%2C however%2C as the Grey Wolves took the win by the score of 4-0.%0A%0A%22I tried to ignore it for weeks%2C but you guys in the media wouldn%27t let me%2C%22 he joked with reporters after the game. %22I%27m looking forward to some peace and quiet now.%22%0A%0AThis year Witt has collected a .323 batting average to date with 104 hits in 322 at-bats%2C 61 RBIs%2C 16 home runs and scored 46 times. He has played in 83 games. %0A
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