Bloomington Longnecks Clinch First in Menard%27s AAA: %22We%27re not done yet%21%22%0A%0AThat was the resounding sentiment in the Bloomington Longnecks locker room when they were told they had clinched the Menard%27s AAA title%2C for the 3rd time. With a 63-31 record%2C Bloomington%27s stars certainly feel like they have a good chance to go all the way.%0A%0A%22We%27ve learned a lot under John Mu%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDz%27s tutelage this year. He%27s taught us to never be over-confident%2C and to play every game like a championship game. I think with him and the team we have%2C we have a great chance to bring a 3rd championship to Bloomington this year%2C%22 said center fielder Eddie M%EF%BF%BDnard.%0A
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